We got 3 deeps instead of 2 like I had last year because the U of M class said that 3 work better in Minnesota. I should have enough equipment now that I won't have to buy more unless I expand. I now have 4 complete hives. I plan to winter 2 of the 4 hives and the other ones will just be used to make honey. I may change my mind and try to winter all 4. I will also have to expand my bee yard because I'm adding 2 more hives. There is a lot of snow here still and I can't do that until it warms up more. I can't divide the 2 hives I have until sometime in May anyway.
Here are the two new hives. They have 3 deeps and 2 supers.
New hives |
I also got a Nuc for Christmas. It is not the kind that babies use. It is used for selling bees to other beekeepers. I'm going to try to catch a swarm with it.